If you are old enough to remember the intro to ABC’s Wide World of Sports then you know what the “Agony of Defeat” looks like.
Most of us who have started something of their own know what it’s like to suffer defeats along the way, and as painful as it can be, taking your lumps is the best way to learn because the harder the lesson, the more it sticks with you.
So if your search for a small business loan went from looking like Franz Klammer (or Bode Miller) cruising down the hill on the way to victory while just slightly out of control…to this guy doing his best “Gumby the Snow Slinky” impersonation:
Well, then you might just need a Wingman.
By the way, if you are a banker and you do not offer SBA loans (or you are looking for help with processing, underwriting or selling SBA loans), then please contact me – jking(at)greencommercialcapital(dot)com – to find out how to do it without re-inventing the wheel or spending a dime.
And in case you have no idea what the Wide World Of Sports reference is about, here is the intro: