Nothing related to small business loans in this post, but some fantastic advice from Sonia Simone…enjoy.
50 Things Your Customers Wish You New
Here are the Top 11…click the link below to see all 50:
I don’t need you to be perfect, but I do need to know I can rely on you.
Telling me what you don’t know makes me trust you.
It means a lot when you take the time to thank me for my business or a referral.
You don’t need to do all that much to be a superhero. Just do exactly what you say you will do.
A friendly voice on the other side of the phone means more than you can imagine.
Your employees treat me about as well as you treat them.
I don’t mind spending the money, as long as I feel I’m getting real value.
My life is really stressful. If you can reduce that stress, you become immensely valuable to me.
I want to tell you what would make this relationship better for me. Why don’t you ever ask me?
I don’t understand a lot of the messages you send me. Can you make them clearer?
My life is very complicated. If you make it easy for me to just buy a simple all-in-one package that I can use without learning anything, I’ll take it and be grateful. (I’ll even pay a premium for it.)