I originally published this 14 years ago on February 16th, 2011 on the heels of the Great Recession, when a lot of people who had been beat up by the downturn in the economy were trying to figure things out. Things were tough for a lot of small business owners back then, and I could not believe what a pearl of wisdom I had stumbled upon in a Rocky movie. Anyway, it’s one of those movie scenes that should be re-watched from time to time, so I am republishing this post to bring it to the top in case someone in need of a lift find this…
“It’s About How Hard You Can Get Hit and Keep Moving Forward” Rocky Balboa
Total departure today from the world of SBA lending…sometimes you can find pearls of wisdom in the most unlikely of places.
If you missed the movie Rocky Balboa a few years ago because you heard about it, rolled your eyes and said “Oh no, not another Rocky movie” then you missed a good movie with a scene that contains some extraordinarily great wisdom. (Seriously…stay with me here)
Now, I know Sly Stallone’s name is not the first offered in a debate re: best movie actors or directors, but you cannot deny the man’s genius in the early Rocky movies.
Afterall, he wrote the scripts and the first one garnered 3 Academy Awards including Best Picture and he single-handedly increased the popularity of plain gray sweat pants and sweatshirts decades before Bill Belichick-inspired hoodies were in vogue 🙂
Anyway, if you’re a small business owner and you’ve survived The Great Recession, then you likely know what Rocky means when he says “the world is not all sunshine and rainbows.”
And as an aside, if you have kids old enough to feel the effects of peer pressure and the relentless stream of inappropriate messages thrust upon them every day then this is something you might want to show them someday…the real message to be learned starts 2 minutes into the video.
If the link stops working…just google “Rocky Balboa+that’s how winning is done” and I am sure you will find it.
Stepping down from my soapbox now, but if you want some great free advice about winning and keeping customers, follow the link below to a post by Sonia Simone. I’ve linked to it before, but it merits re-reading at least once a year: