Wouldn’t it be nice if you could get a commercial loan that was a one time deal that never had to be “re-upped?”
Are you tired of getting that call every so often where you have to re-visit your commercial banker to see what rate and fees they are going to charge you this time for the privilege of paying your loan on time?
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just close on a commercial loan one time, know that you got a really good deal and be done with it?
Pssst…buddy, over here…YOU CAN.
Yup, that’s right, you can. The loan is called the SBA 504 – the Small Business Administration’s 504 loan program – and it is a keeper. But wait, you say, an SBA loan??? The last time I tried to get one of those I lost most of my hair and killed a small forest making copies of everything but my derrierè.
Well, that may have been the case before, but it is a new day and the SBA has turned the corner into the modern era, and while there is still a little more paperwork involved – it is mostly on the part of the lender.
In fact, we use mostly e-mail now (and the SBA has gone green) so the forests are safer than they were in the past. Also, believe it or not, the loan process is really no more difficult than that of a conventional commercial loan. If you need proof of this, just walk into your local commercial bank and ask for a loan 😉
So if you want an excellent commercial loan that will keep you happy long term (and keep your banker’s hands off your wallet), do yourself a favor and check out the SBA 504 – the “one and done” commercial loan.